Kym Gouchie
Kym Gouchie
Kym Gouchie
Kym Gouchie
Kym Gouchie
Kym Gouchie
Kym Gouchie
Musician & Artist

With ancestral roots in the Lheidli T’enneh, Cree and Secwépemc Nations, Kym Gouchie is fostering change through her music and art. Her music and storytelling bring awareness to First Nations and women’s issues, promoting reconciliation and community building while reminding us that we are all in this together. Her stories are a testament to the human spirit, weaving together threads of her own journey from personal tragedy to triumph. Kym’s traditional hand drum, acoustic guitar, full-bodied voice and authentic storytelling make her a powerful force. She performs solo and creates various formations, bringing in amazing collaborators on vocal harmonies, cello, keys, mandolin, banjo and electric guitar. Indigenous-folk, and country tones alongside poignant and inspirational lyrics capture the hearts of young and old — her eloquent performances have a lasting impact on her audience, instilling a message and always uplifting. Throughout the pandemic, Kym has been called upon by organizations around the world to offer Indigenous insight that act as a healing bridge, connecting hearts and minds for positive growth. A warrior of the light, Kym’s inspirational music lifts the soul beyond its fettered state along the quest of creating a better world with compassion, understanding and forgiveness, reminding us that we are all in this together.